Thursday, January 31, 2008

Live to Work! Fit to the Puzzle...and Live!

Lets go bi-ways. "You go your way, I go my way" And now the end is near..And so I face this final curtain..My friends, I say it clear, I live a life of which I am certain....bla..bla..Some unite to be strong others separate to be more focus. Depending on what you do and the environment, either one can be the choice of the day. For now separation seems to be the best choice. And the mindset was set to achieve a vision everyone believe to be the best. Each has a set of its own vision and playing on different grounds. Now if we place them both to the surrounding, then, a fair game can be seen from all these effort. You can appreciate what comparing "apple to apple" is. When all these while, the comparison has been between "pineapple to apple", obviously they are different - unless you can get someone who can differ an apple from an apple and make others believe that a pineapple is an apple (..I guess you know who I am talking about). Now, whatever happened need to be managed. Do you have a choice? I think you do, but for who have not, fit yourselve in the puzzle and stay alive. Live and work ..until you think you had enough!

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