Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Chatter boxes..7pm Seremban bound..

Some really can talk and never want to stop, on the phone! It is coming to half- hour and still talking. Battery must be warm by now and credit time keeps reducing. Well some people do live by talking, it seems..@jo

Supermen pun bermasalah!

Ingat semua kita saja ada problem? Supermen pun ada masalah! So orang ada masalah, baik kecil atau besar? So men/women sabar mau lebih. Jangan sampai kita berbaju super hero macam ini..@jo

Pizza here? Where is boss?

School holiday and some of us still crowd the office. So everyone chip ini some money enough to get 12 boxes of Domino. It was buy one free one. So we paid for only 6. So enough for everyone..but the bosses were on leave. We worked and everyone are happy..planning to the next on on Wednesday..but this time, cendol and rojak.. @jo

Monday, March 25, 2013

0800 at KL Sentral and waiting to pass..

Arriving at KL Sentral early doesn't gurantee you to reach office on time. The rushes when more that a trian arrived at more that one platform can caused a havoc. Well, probably, there was only one KTM gatekeper this morning. @jo

Found pic of retired and retiring friends..

Found this old pic with Masturi and Tahir when we were in Sarawak. Old picture and everyone has retired except myself. Haha.. Of couse I am referring to the picture..
Happy retirement friends..@jo

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday..family outing..perfect Sunday..

Roti Pappa and Big Apple for brunch,Nasi Arab for lunch, ayam kenyalang for hi- tea?! Syukur Allahamdullilah..bicycle ride with grandchildren in the late afternoon. This is the perfect Sunday...

Thursday, March 21, 2013

1800hrs Sentral Seremban...Man!!!

The annoucement was wronng for the arriving train. It was supposed to be  3 coach train but it was a 6 coach that came! Ok.. But the rush was on the platform.  Once inside you have no seat, you have got to do away with the standing space!. My toes are killing me.and so are my legs. Today, I have to stand. On other days, the probability to stand is quite remote. Yes it hurts so much now, but a few stops more.I should be able to sit. That's life here. @jo

Permata atau kaca?

Jangan main2 dgn org politik jika org biasa (macam saya). Lagi2 time eleksen begini. Posting kena hati2. Saya bukan ahli politik. Saya ikut apa saya suka untuk pilih gomen. Perkara yang saya nampak biasa saja jadi sensitive bagi mereka. Saya rasa itu susah o. So kena jaga hati kawan2 yang ada sebelah sana dan sebelah sini. Sorry lah kawan. Bagi saya, saya nampak kaca dan permata merata! So saya rasa, saya akan pilih yang kurang buat kaca. Masa depan? Minta2 saya sihat, dgn kudrat yg ada, dgn empat kerat tulang ku saya, cukuplah. Tak sanggup melihat/mendengar macam2 time ini. Sekian dari pikiran ku yang simple. @jo

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The CSOC UniFi Bowling 2013 | 17 March 2013 | Cosmic Bowl, Mid Valley

It was Sunday, an early morning drive from Nilai to KL with family to take part in the our own private tournament CSOC UniFi Bowl. The first time-out together with team since  UniFi was borned in 2009. The organizing committee were young energetic and workoholic. Kudos to them all. Yes it was fun for everybody. Beside the bowl we had the birthday celebration for those who were borned in Q4'12 and Q1'13. Better late than never. @jo

Ubah Format Pamer, dan usang..rumah pun kena repair..

Melihat sesuatu dari sudut bebagai dan naluri untuk membuat pembaikan perlu dipupuk. Hasilnya, kita akan menjadi lebih kritikal dan menyeluroh dalam membuat keputusan demi kebaikan.

Contoh: Pada  mula2nya kita menggunakan sesuatu kaedah/format utk mempamerkan data. Ya betul maklumat cukup dan melebihi. Tanya pengguna2 data kita sekali sekala dapatkan kepastian apa mereka nak. Ubah cara kita pamerkan info2 supaya lebih menarik. Continuos improvement in action. Benda ini nampak kecik dan remeh tapi amat bekesan utk produktiviti diri dan rakan kerja. Sekian @jo

Qaseh..my grand daugher..

She is the youngest.grand child..emm..for now. The 8th. A girl, cute as she is, is pleasurerable to hold and talk to. She may understood some words and responded accordingly which makes you smile and all worries and tiredness gone. Meeting here almost every week to see her grow and laugh. She is adorable...my little Qaseh..@jo

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Dikala ku berjabat tangan terasa indah nikmat bersalaman,
Di kala ku hulurkan tangan terasa nikmat diberi balasan senyuman,
Di kala ku menadahkan tangan
terasa nikmat memuja kudratMu Tuhan.

Anda Terantai kepada Kekurangan Anda?

Pernah anda melihat gajah2 peliharan? Yang dewasa akan diikat dengan tali dan dipasak kebumi dgn kayu yang tak seberapa besarnya. Lain pula kisahnya dgn anak gajah. Ianya dirantai dan diikat pada kayu teguh dan besar. Lambat laun dengan masa, anak gajah akan mengalah dan process menjinak bemula. Rantai ini akan ditukar dgn tali proses 'reconditioning'. Anak gajah akan tertipu apabila ianya diikat dia tak boleh kemana2!

Sering kita berada didalam situasi begini, termasuk.diri saya sendiri. Kita ingat kita tak boleh buat disebabkan atas kepercayaan kita pada keupayahan kita..'tak leh', 'susah'..  telah dikondisikan oleh kita sendiri dan bukan atas realiti. Sekian. @jo

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Heavy downpours and strong winds

This is not unusual in KL after office hours. The cars and bike in the rain an us pedestrian at the mouth of buildings waiting for chanves to brave the rain. I got wet!

Interesting shoe..no string

You won't see many of these in a 100 trips..

With community..

So ngo work with friends at surau..

Have your seen the dirt in your air-cons..?

When did you last had your air-conditioners serviced? Two years, more? It is just not taking the filters off and clean and wipe here and there on the air-cons  You will be surprised what you will discovered when using chemical. It was yes, dirty and filthy.
For health reasons, have it properly service..